Download Linotype Didot™ font. Linotype Didot is based on types cut by Firman Didot in Paris, circa 1783. These types, together with those of Fournier were the forerunners of the modern style so strongly associated with Bodoni.


nen Didot (omkr. 1800), efter vilken det fitt sitt namn. B-pilens spaltbredd dr silunda De sdttmaskiner, Linotype,. Intertype m. fl. fabrikat, som vanligen anvinds i.

Linotype Didot. by Adrian Frutiger. Didot is a group of typefaces named after the famous French printing and type producing Didot family. The classification is known as modern, or Didone . The most famous Didot typefaces were developed in the period 1784–1811. Linotype Didot Roman is the perfect font for all your fun designs.

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Mergenthaler Linotype company The  AG and/or its subsidiaries. Семейство: Linotype Didot Шрифт: DidotLH- BoldOsF. Файл: Linotype Didot Bold Oldstyle Figures.ttf. Версия: 001.000 Linotype Didot. by fontocean | Jul 8, 2013.

Adrian Frutiger’s Didot is a sensitive interpretation of the French Modern Face Didot. Another model for this design is the Henriade, an historical printing of the original Didot from 1818. The font Didot gives text a classic and elegant feel. Linotype Didot™ Font families. The Linotype Didot™ includes the following font families:

Kartonnage : 2 mm pärmpapp med rak rygg. Överdrag : 130 g obestruken naturvit Ingres med  AW Conqueror Didot. AW Conqueror Didot. Bellisia.

Linotype didot

Browse our collection of fonts similar to Linotype Didot™ Package: BodoniFLF- Roman font;; Theano Didot Regular font;; Bodoni-Normal font;; Bodidota font; 

Originally designed by Firmin Didot in Paris in 1783. Designers: Firmin Didot, Linotype Staff and Adrian Frutiger. Year Linotype Didot Roman é a fonte perfeita para todos os seus designs divertidos. A família da fonte é Linotype Didot. A subfamília é Regular. Sobre a fonte Linotype Didot Roman. Linotype Didot Roman é gratuito apenas para uso pessoal.

What is the Linotype Didot™ font? The Didot family were active as designers for about 100 years in the 18th and 19th centuries. They were printers, publishers, typeface designers, inventors and intellectuals.
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They were printers, publishers,  Linotype Didot is a typeface designed by Adrian Frutiger, Linotype Design Studio and Firmin Didot, and is available for Desktop, Web, DigitalAds, App, ePub,  Linotype Didot was designed by Adrian Frutiger and published by Linotype. Linotype Didot contains 10 styles and family package options. Linotype Didot Font Family Free Download.

What is the Linotype Didot™ font? The Didot family were active as designers for about 100 years in the 18th and 19th centuries.
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Linotype Didot Roman é a fonte perfeita para todos os seus designs divertidos. A família da fonte é Linotype Didot. A subfamília é Regular. Sobre a fonte Linotype Didot Roman. Linotype Didot Roman é gratuito apenas para uso pessoal. Por favor, fale com o autor para uso comercial ou para qualquer suporte.

Similar free fonts and alternative for Linotype Didot™ Bol - Vidaloka-Regular, OPTIBodoni-Antiqua, Vidaloka, Libre Bodoni Bold, Libre Bodoni, LibreBodoni-Re Download the Linotype Didot LT Headline free font.