Job description: ISSR needs a substitute to work on an hourly basis in the elementary school and in Fritids. A substitute may be required to cover lessons in the elementary classrooms. After school hours, the substitute may work in fritids. Working at ISSR as a substitute requires organizational skills, flexibility and open-mindedness.


International School of the Stockholm Region,ISSR. International School of the Stockholm Region, ISSR. Type: STATE. Head of school: Ms Karin Henrekson Ahlberg. IB School since: 18 March 1999.

9d. Enskede Teacher, English, Mathematics, Science You need to sign in to apply…Vacancy details School Enskede Position Teacher Subjects taught English, Mathematics, Science Position starts 11 2017-10-16 International School of Stockholm Region. 668 likes. The International School of the Stockholm region (ISSR) is a publically funded English speaking school founded by the City of Stockholm. View Jobs at ISSR. Enhanced Profile . Try Enhanced Profile Free for a Month.

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The school runs the International Baccalaureate’s curricula for ages 5 – 19. Job description: ISSR needs a substitute to work on an hourly basis in the elementary school and in Fritids. A substitute may be required to cover lessons in the elementary classrooms. After school hours, the substitute may work in fritids. Working at ISSR as a substitute requires organizational skills, flexibility and open-mindedness. Job description: ISSR is looking for an experienced generalist teacher to teach in the Middle Years Programme in grade 6 (ages 11-12).

DP - Policy, criteria and how to apply. At the moment the DP intake is closed. We welcome applicants from Criteria 1, see below, to contact the admission office after January 2018 to start the admission process for DP1, starting in August 2018. Categories: DP.

Experience working with middle school students (11-15 year olds) The Job description: ISSR is looking for an experienced generalist teacher to teach in the Middle Years Programme in grade 6 (ages 11-12). This is the first year of MYP. The position is a temporary assignment during the school year 2021-22.

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18 Jobs. Most Relevant. 18 teacher Jobs in Stockholm, Stockholm. 3.2. Internationella Engelska Skolan. Teacher, English, Mathematics, Science. Enskede. 9d. Enskede Teacher, English, Mathematics, Science You need to sign in to apply…Vacancy details School Enskede Position Teacher Subjects taught English, Mathematics, Science Position starts 11

Kontakt. ISSR exists primarily to serve  Här på finns över 281 lediga offentliga jobb i Stockholm 2020 & vi är övertygade om ISSR needs a language teacher in French and Spanish. ISSR substitute. International School of the Stockholm Region is a publicly funded international school which exists primarily to serve theStockholms Stad  Företag Stockholms stad - Utbildningsförvaltningen Job description: ISSR needs an English Language Acquisition teacher for the upcoming  ISSR needs an English LA teacher and modern language teacher >>. Stockholms stad Location : Stockholm AB SE The school runs the International  Search Teacher english jobs in Södermalm, Stockholm with company ratings & salaries.

The MYP is an inquiry-based program with a student-centered focus. Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden.
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Välkommen till en av Sveriges största arbetsgivare, där utvecklings- och karriärmöjligheterna är större än du kanske anar. Preparing students to live in a multilingual and multicultural world. The International School of the Stockholm Region (ISSR) is a publically funded English speaking school founded by the City of Stockholm in response to the growing demand for a truly international education. ISSR is an accredited continuum school offering all three IB programmes; Primary Years Programme, Middle Years Search Issr jobs. Get the right Issr job with company ratings & salaries.

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How to apply to ISSR. For the academic year 2020/2021 we will open up the admission process after January 2020. PYPK-MYP9 (Grade 0-9): admission policy, criteria and how to apply

Experience working with middle school students (11-15 year olds) The Job description: ISSR is looking for an experienced generalist teacher to teach in the Middle Years Programme in grade 6 (ages 11-12). This is the first year of MYP. The position is a temporary assignment during the school year 2021-22.