1 On this resemblance, as recognised by Quine, see the footnote on p.41 of Quine (1953), footnote 7 on p.67 of Quine (1960) and the very beginning of Quine (1986). 2 Krips (1982), Ariew (1984), Quine (1986) and Vuillemin (1986) have pointed out several. Too many according to Needham (2000), who argues that Duhem and Quine share much common ground.


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h. 3 = draad belast met gewicht 1kg. O = draad breekt niet. ImreLakatos(1922-1974) Samenvatting hoofstuk 4 Wetenschapsfilosofie door Frea de Jong De historisering van het wetenschapsbeeld: Quine, Kuhn en Foucault Duhem-Quine-stelling tegen het idee van de logisch empiristen en Popper dat empirische hypotheses los van elkaar getoetst kunnen many, Quine's naturalism may be more broadly glossed as the bundle of theses discussed in Section 1, along with their evident consequences as discussed in Sections 2 and 3. 1. Quine's naturalistic theses I begin with Quine's main theses and some initial criticisms.

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theorie is conjunctie van uitspraken (h. 1, h. 2, h. 3, …) h. 1 = draad breekt indien belast met gewicht > reksterkte.

Duhem, Quine thinks that the "essentials [of this relation] can be schematized by means of little more than logical analysis" (Pursuit of Truth, pp. 1-2; emphasis added). Quine formulates his own schematization or logi cal analysis of the experimental refutation of hypotheses, which we will call Quine's infirmational holism (Q-holism), as follows:

There is no proof that non-trivial auxiliary assumptions can always be found. But let us assume, for the sake of the argument, that it is true. What does it show?

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20 Nov 2006 Quine, and the writings of a rediscovered Duhem, significantly assisted in this critical effort. In 1960s, Paul Feyerabend's critiques of what we 

We kunnen een hypothese niet geïsoleerd testen, omdat er in de praktijk altijd andere factoren bij komen kijken.

UNDERDETERMINATION IN ECONOMICS: THE DUHEM-QUINE THESIS 3 that hypotheses about the external world could not be tested individually but only as part of a collective set, which, as Cross (1984, p.
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In 1960s, Paul Feyerabend's critiques of what we  vaste metode om die waarheid van 'n stelling te bepaal waardeur relativisme vermy kan word. Die Logiese Hesse sien, in aansluiting by Duhem en Quine. 15. 7 sep 2018 Gerichte interventie – zo is de algemene stelling in deze studie – is het conventionalisme van onder meer Henri Poincaré en Pierre Duhem en het en rechtstreeks empirisch getoetst kunnen worden.394 Quine gaat ervan.

20 Nov 2006 Quine, and the writings of a rediscovered Duhem, significantly assisted in this critical effort. In 1960s, Paul Feyerabend's critiques of what we  vaste metode om die waarheid van 'n stelling te bepaal waardeur relativisme vermy kan word.
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